F.A.Q: Why, what, who, when, where and how?
When did it become acceptable for someone to not be a strong listener and or listen?
I mean really, it takes a unique set of skills to just listen and comprehend.
When is it acceptable to just give up. Get bored and just say fuck it?
Really wrong course of thinking with some justifications but the ‘I’m Done syndrome’ runs like a plague in these modern times. With false justification. Finding excuses not to be in a relationship. Finding every little reason to be mad or picking fights. It’s unacceptable in all cases.
When is it acceptable to not make love to your mate on a consistant bases?
Being together in any relationship should not solely be based on sex. For that is unacceptable to not have sex with your mate. Although great sex is the key to a lasting strong one relationship, though there are some natural things that would deter the mood. Yet those same natural things can be abused in the reasoning for not having sex. Yet, if you are sexually not compatible or tired just be honest and not lead someone on. Besides if married and not having sex or not obeying the standard ethics is true breach of verbal or paper contract…
What do you do when distance puts pressing and unnecessary strain on a relationship?
If someone mind is already tainted with idealolgies or their beliefs, it can be tough. Yet, you can sooth the distance by making your significant other comfortable as much as possible. But if the line been crossed via trust you must communicate still, fix it or ‘really' exit peacefully.
Why does trust just get erased because of misunderstandings of the past?
Not listening to reason. To understand means nurturing, teaching and guiding one to understand of one past. If they can’t or won’t understand, the best thing to do is bounce. It would be years of ongoing issues due to similies of everyday living. Especially in distance.
Who really wins in an argument?
No one, especially if someone want the last word.
Where is the common ground ?
Underneath your feet. Have to make peace on those grounds. If not then it’s an epic waste of effort.
How can a dysfunctional relationship be fixed?
Easy, two minds working ‘together' can fix problems. Being unbiased of past issues and setting plans for a more stable function.
How can happiness be attained in a relationship?
Easy, yet hard at the same time, but easy when all energy is grand, absent any mishaps of the past and alleviating any negative energy.
Why would one abuse someone’s niceness or take their niceness as weakness?
Because of their own past being something grown accustomed to or listening to outside sources that could make them cold, and care less. While YOU being nice, caring, transitioning through change, refortifying your heart from further attacks of character. Yet they still find ways to carve at you weaking your foundation. Leaving you appearing weak and hopeless. Leaving you reluctant to reach out to family or friends for simple conversation about it. If not post on social media, it would cause more of the tribulations and *double standards.
Where has the love gone?
In most cases the love is still there it’s just cloudy and or blinded by distraction. Most of the time it’s hidden behind layers of residual pain.
How to cope being on social media while being lowkey scrutinized by significant other?
Be tactful when posting on your platforms, yet if you have a platform that is not followed by your significant other speak freely and still tactfully. A sense of freedom is key. If significant other takes what you say personally that’s solely on them. Never let them hem up up to change your direction of speech unless you have typos that needs correcting.
How can you rebuild what has been torn down inadvertantly by significant other because of things you are supposedly doing wrong?
Address the issues without arguing or competition for who need to have an upper hand. Allow the energy to vibe positive without doubt. Focus on the issues YOUR significant other may have and work on a resolve. If you have and he or she is too blind to see you are working towards the goals then you have to reassess the situation and weigh the options of a peace transition.
The Real Moody Human
The Urban Psalmist