1 min readJan 15, 2020
HINDSIGHT #15: Endurance
You got to have the fuel in the tank to endure the hardships of the grind. That shine will not glow if you’re submurged in deep within the shade where darkness inevitably collide. If can’t get through that hurdle could be the last place you reside. If you look back you won’t become a pilar of salt, just because you were forced through that stormy walk. You survived another year not having your body surrounded by white chalk. Rise above your obstacle like a hawk, sight like an eagle have your haters in shock. Keep your swag as solid as a rock. Watch the money roll in when you raise your stock. Assholes talk shit to you and they bawk bawk bawk. Think about the number twelve comes around twice on the clock. You will rise if you keep your shit tight like airlock!
Airlock, airlock… Breath!
Da Urban Psalmist
Meniskos Da Great
The Real Moody Human