HINDSIGHT #51: Friendemies
Friends come and go, like a tireless flow, they let you know what’s good & bad and always in the know, they know your dark secrets, turn it against you and Inadvertently become low key heathens, they come at different seasons, hell they close like family can turn on you for different reasons. Your only limit is you, being brave not a renegade, being kicked by life because you’re too affraid to be made like a loser, downer, accept the reality, you soon to be a clowner, drown in a memory of an ocean of tears, appears to be no ups when you consumed with internal jeers. Your peers steer you this way and that way near the cross roads of here and there, behold and behave, treat yourself right with care or fall to an enemies wave. Don’t become enslaved to a fake friend and be true to yourself and comprehend…
The Real Moody Human