HINDSIGHT #54: The Difference
From being portrayed as a clown, and getting character defamed by a rainbow duo, luring who was thought to be family into a web of deceit, who knew what the motive was, plain to see, running an establishment unlike thee. Things were imbalanced upon a growing plan, disrupted by the seed of an honorary man, or woman subjected to forced defeat while consumed with a distant frisk and search tactics hella weak, subliminal being turned into something other than facts, it’s the trying time with one thinking about the past, their mishaps with guilt trips on occasion tripping traps.
Flip side isn’t greener comes with stages that’s meaner, the demeanor in dysfunction keeps a mind thinking cleaner. Moving into a field that has little legacy, yet fading into depression, so vet get vetted as some moves in the far past regretted, dreaded in hasty situations, the anticipation for the next storm coming from the bay see, rise tempretures cause catastrophic fraying, to stay the path in tune with delaying. Weighing options in amidst the fleeing failing.
The difference in the recent then is the now, appreciation in an abundance, big big accepted for what’s worth. Growning in the ambiance after an A-side birth. Calmly. Building. Learning a blue print connected with greatness aided with the best on earth.
The Urban Psalmist