Member-only story
Same Kind of Different as Me!
LOOKING AHEAD: Summing up another year of phuckery!
Well, where do I start. I actually feel like the character Mister I played in Same Kind of Different as Me. Let me say this, you’re going to need a drink and a smoke after reading this. Being in my shoes and enduring this rhetorical journey would possibly make a normal person go insane.
You have to be a strong muthaphucker to withstand all the hardships, broken dreams, nay says and blatant disrespect I’ve endured this year.
Let’s start with this one cat, this someone who lives with us that allegedly used his finger to play with an under 19 age girl while she was sleep and he was thrown under the bus by his so called friend about it. Shits public record so why not speak it? Smh!
He served some time but an extremely nice woman, my wife, came to his rescue and used damn near all of her entire savings to help him get an attorney.
Yet this cat verbally told on himself on record about the crime that was
brought to light in hindsight. Now sentenced to probation for a lengthy time and he is now a felon. This cat is tethered to us that seem like for life time, WTF!
Month after month he’s comfortable as ever within his living with us.