The Real Dino Wells
2 min readJul 20, 2024



Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

On this day

Working hard to make my daily bread…

I am a hard working father of 5, 4 living that art my craft via my training these boxers and my screenwriting, in my heaven which is a safe haven for my sanity which is a boxing gym.

My name is building a kingdom from outside my fantasy and dreams, which will be done from extreme discipline.

Giving us a new day with bread that is made daily, weekly and monthly.

And being grateful for the fruits of the the labor as trying to be forgiven for my trespasses, as I forgave those that trespass against me and my sanity. I’m not lead into sin by temptation as SmooveSin is my artist name; yet delivered from sanshoshima’s path of debaclous redundancy.

As I build the kingdom through the power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo,

It’s unheard of to a closed mind that a human can sit or kneel before a scribe on a piece of paper, chanting powerful words.

Changing all that karma and negativity.

I’m a man that’s locked in what I want just some restrictions of the delicacies that life has to offer.

Taking a good shit while ponder on life and things that need to get done.

Many questions and options of monetary value. Yet life is good.



The Real Dino Wells

I'm a multifaceted creative writer and poet with a unique blend of skills. I know how to bring words to life. I'm always seeking to spark meaningful convo.