Member-only story
How I will rise from the fallen depths of industry abyss, again when I already made a comeback once? Also I didn’t capitalize off the momentum the first time as the well went dry. I didn’t have the proper people in my corner besides my wife who gave almost her everything to see me make it. She barely know anything about the film or music biz but her effort was greatly appreciated.
I will write, sing, and rap my way back to being in the contention, the conversation & also , being recognized to be on the set. Most of all being happy again. I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons during my reign in this dark weary place called wallow muckville.
Am I jaded? Eh, I wouldn’t say all that anymore.
I know one thing. I will get that standing ovation.
Stay ready to keep from getting ready
Bob Edwards
Bob was my first coach on my comeback, Rest in Peace. I learned a lot from him in the short period of time I was with training with him.
I know you’re saying comeback, comeback from what?
Short Story Long
I was a amateur boxer in the 90’s. I was good but not good enough to make the 92 or 96 Olympics. I was dealing the…