This is deeper than you can ever fathom. Outstretched in the realm of being “a man” that has fought through a tough journey to earn his right or has had his right mostly given to him, never having to break a sweat. Don’t forget this is the part of our unique character. That character that often attract or elude that one woman or multitude of women we ever so want and or need.
A male is just as complex as females. In the aura of connectivity; its the bond spiritually and emotionally, intellectually and sexually, we thrive of from a woman’s vibe. At times it may come off as a man lurking off her looks, off her swag, her code of being woman. It may come off to a closed mind human as if a man thrives from thirst of the essence, and or virtues of a woman. Yet man is subdued by her looks rather if she’s great and or subpar. To a well defined man, all the elements of attraction is needed to begin the cycle. The cycle of relations and procreation.
The element which is art to man and woman, being cosmic with the universal connection. The woman’s attraction which stimulates the man’s psyche, his inner most beast, which YOU will call it lust. It’s the natural radiated attraction given between two souls.
A man will be with his woman and wife her. Be honest to her. Be open to her. Grow with her. Be equal amongst the stereotypes of what relationships should be. Then you have the man that hasn’t learned to tame his inner beast and become disloyal, dishonest without a fraction of tact. That type of man lives in an untammed world of his own, insecure within himself, subjecting his will upon like minded connections. Eventually causing hurt and broken hearts.
There are levels to being a MAN, some are more extreme than others, but knowing who we are in this society is key of being apex. Knowing our place in the human triangle at the highest point or understanding the place wallowing at the lowest base. Interaction within the like minded zone of your living class will alleviate any unjust notions of drama.
A man often dates outside of his means, his comfort zone, then feel relax and or fall prey to the more wrong vibes.
The man’s worst enemy within his inner beast is a closed minded woman. A mind that is shielded with fear and uncertainty. Often makes him look weak, vulnerable anything which can close his own mind, bringing him more fear of failing his natural duties as a man. This weak of a man can fall into the realm of feeling threatened by a successful woman, belittling his will and substance as man.
A strong man with the KING of his apex nature brings confident attitudes, often coming off as arogant, cheesy and or over the top. Yet, that’s to some woman.
Chapter Six — upcoming