Member-only story
Why does it seem like Medium’s algorithm doesn’t show me no love?
I am not discouraged though it seems very discouraging. Yet encourage myself to keep going no matter what the read or view results are.
I just did a 6 part Lust series, thinking the algorithm would show it some love and to my very much displeasure it hasn’t pinched a read nor view outside of a few people that follow me. It’s the same for my other short series that got no algorithmic love. What do I have to do? What am I doing wrong? I wrote short stories in two different genres and still the mass readers of Medium doesn’t know they exist.
Yes, discouraging it is to see my work lay idle in cyber ghost land with cyber dust blowing about.
Listen, If you hadn’t checked out my Shadow Inheritance or Lust series, please do. Let me know what you think in response to them.