Member-only story
It’s simple to do
The symbols you see in the above picture you should use faithfully, especially if you like the creator of the content.
You’ve just read the whole or at least part of a blog here on medium. You may have not finished reading for one reason or another, so you just click on the save to Symbol. It saves it to a list that you want that blog to go to.
If you really was excited by whatever you just read, you have an option to share to other social medium platform so that other readers can experience the read. That’s a plus because it helps the algorithm get you placed in Google and for monetary purposes. So please share the content you like if you hadn’t already.
I’ve been on Medium for a long time. I became a member in 2020. I have yet reach a level where any of my work has been shared multiple of times, save to but maybe it has been play read.
We have to find our niche and that fan base of that niche will follow, share, play or save to.
This is one of the best features in my opinion that medium has to offer. If you’re busy, or have your earbuds in at work, and or just on a long ride or flight, you can now listen to medium read to you the blog. Is that outstanding right? By clicking the play Symbol it gives a 97% accurate read. Especially if you’re blind, hardly can see or just have reading issues, this part is a valuable asset to have for you and the content creator.
All in all, utilize those symbols at the top of the blog. You will enjoy it.
~ The Urban Psalmist